Buddha's Digital Dance, Page 8
      Seemingly, the concept of Vairocana and Dharmakaya rest as the final outer shell of this intricate system. For those of us intent on continuing and becoming a timeless Buddha, like Vairocana, there seems nothing left to do except to penetrate this last shell, or, put more poetically, to dance as an egg in this egg-dance in order to contain the entire system. In the scripture "Tip of the Thunderbolt" (Skt. Sarvatathagatatattvasamgraha, late seventh century) we find Vairocana as the host and choreographerof all five elemental Buddhas engaged in such a cosmic dance. The five Buddhas and their elements are: Ratnasambhava, earth; Vairocana, water; Amitabha, fire; Amoghasiddhi, air; and Akshobya, space. Here, Vairocana is conceived as a black and white hole. The meditation practitioner (Skt. Yogacarya) internally explodes and implodes this image of Vairocana, (by extension, the yogin himself) in a display of universal creation and dissolution.

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    With the timeless Vairocana concept, the Buddhist pendulum seemed to swing back to ancient Brahmanism and its equation of the supreme Godhead with the Self (Skt. atman). Countervailing influences kept this from becoming a completely accurate analogy. The purpose of all these invented Buddhas was not to say that Atman equals Brahman (that self=universe) but rather to help people visualise intuitions (L. intuitio, act of contemplating). We see this type of practice in Nagarjuna's Madhyamika (as noted above) and in the "cognition-only" theory (Skt. vijnapati matra) developed by the founders of the Yogacara School, the brothers Asanga and Vasubandhu (fifth century CE.)