Atsuro Seto (Japanese)

1960 born in Kanagawa Japan. 30 miles away from cracked Tokyo city.
1980 Got an idea of Abstract Mandala Art when I was rotten in an art school named "Bigakko" (Tokyo).
1985-95 Wasted for thorough field-work on Tibetan Mandala art in India (Darjeling, Dharmsala, Ladakh, etc.)
 I mean I was nothing but a delayed, slow developping hippie.
1990 I started compiling Tibetan art method into Japanese text format
 under guidance of Professor Shunzo Onoda of "Bukkyo University", a Japanese buddhist university in Kyoto.
 I was graduated from the Univ.. However I am not a monk because I love love, do love.
1994 Buddhist art lecturer at "Bukkyo University extension centre" (Kyoto).
1995-2003 Mandala art lecturer at "Tibetan culture centre International" (Tokyo).
1998-2003 Digital art lecturer at "ACT Information and Business processing college" (Tokyo)
2002-2003 Tibetan art, Mandala art lecturer at Yomiuri NTV Culture Center,
Kamata branch, Kitasenju branch, Ogikubo branch, (Tokyo)
2004 Research worker in Dr. Onoda's labo, Bukkyo University, Kyoto
Then to present: Digitalizing and making portable models of Kanheri cave no.3
and abstract Japanes Mikoshi are my ongoing projects.

1992 at "Iwashimizu Hachimangu" Japanese Shinto Shrine (Yawata, Kyoto, Japan).
1993 at "Iwashimizu Hachimangu" Japanese Shinto Shrine (Yawata, Kyoto, Japan).
1994 at Bukkyo University extension centre (Shijo, Kyoto, Japan)
1997 at Tibetan shop "ManiMani" (Jiyugaoka, Tokyo, Japan)
1999 at public mandala park "Meisou no sato" (Toga, Toyama, Japan)
2000 Kalachakra Mandala CG Work at Festival of Tibet (YB Chavan centre, Mumbai, India)
also at India International DIGITAL ART Exhibition (Circular Art Gallery, Mumbai, India)
2003 Guhyasamaja 3D Manadala Paper Model Project for The National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka, JAPAN

2005 The Same Mandala as a collection of
Research and Information Center for Asian Religious Culture of Bukkyo Univ. (Kyoto, Japan).

2010 3D Mandala Puzzle won a prize and displayed at 3DCG CAMP (Digital Contents EXPO, Tokyo, Japan)
2013 Guhyasamaja 3D Mandala as a Reference for an exhibition at the Fukui City History Muserum (Fukui, Japan)
2013 Guhyasamaja 3D Mandala Constructing demostration with Gyudmed Monk Sculptors at IIT Bombay, INDIA

1998 "Buddha's Digital Dance", for the magazine: "Dimension Five", GraTex International, Slovakia (CD Multi media)

2006 "A History of Tibetan Painting: The Great Tibetan Painters and Their Traditions" David P Jackson
2008 "Tibetan Thangka Painting: Methods & Materials" David P Jackson

2011 "project messiah" 3D animation software manual localization for Japanese users (A hoby voluntary project)
2011 "Art sent to Japan 2011" project after the quakes, tsunamis, nuclear fallout, etc... at:
2013 Paricipated in the Dandi Marhers' Sculptures Workshop at IIT Bombay (Mumbai, INDIA)
2014 Private research on Solar, Fire, Water power and Buddhist Cultural research
w/ an international party named
"Shilpa Shikar 2014", in SoluKhumbu, NEPAL

BTW, I do not belong to any religious organization through my whole life.
Also I do not belong to any computerized hierarchical system.

Bombay, JUN/2004


ダイエーマルナカ興産セントラルギャラリー画廊勤務, 職安プログラミング講師, 英語日本語ゴーストライティング等


2000年CGによるカーラチャクラ・マンダラ制作CGデモンストレーションFestival of Tibet 2000 (YB Chavan centre, Mumbai, India)
2000年グループ展International Digital Art Exhibition (Circular Art Gallery, Mumbai, India)
2010年3Dマンダラパズル 3DCG CAMP 入選(デジタルコンテンツ EXPO 展示)
2013年3Dマンダラ組立デモンストレーション (Industrial Design Centre, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India)
2013年インド文化庁主催 Dandi Marchers' Sculptures Workshop 参加・立像制作・永久展示 (IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India)

1998年エッセイ"Buddha's Digital Dance", for the magazine: "Dimension Five", GraTex International, Slovakia
2008年訳書「チベット絵画の技法と素材 稿本」(佛教大学アジア宗教文化情報研究所)

2011年「平成二十三年春 日本への絵手紙」プロジェクト主宰
2014年「Shilpa Shikali 2014」(HR Downs' Art project)ネパール、ソルクンブ地方の仏教美術


2015年 瀬戸敦朗